
Affiliate Member Eligibility


1) 曾取得以下的獎項或認可,惟未填妥HKSMEBSI評核問卷或未符合最低分數要求;

Has received an award or recognition listed below, but has not submitted the HKSMEBSI assessment questionnaire or has not met the minimum score requirement;


Industry Cares Recognition Scheme by FHKI


鏡報 - 傑出企業社會責任獎

Outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility Award by The Mirror Post



Hong Kong ICT Awards


香港管理專業協會 - 香港可持續發展獎

Hong Kong Sustainability Award by HKMA


環境運動委員會 - 香港環境卓越大獎

The Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence by Environmental Campaign


2) 持續進行ESG、CSR活動的公司,被本會理事會至少一名成員推薦。

Actively engaged in ESG and CSR activities, and recommended by at least one of the directors.



The applicant will be required to provide proof of the company's corporate social responsibility or sustainability practices to demonstrate that the company has taken measures to fulfill their responsibilities or actively contribute to social and environmental sustainability. The director(s) who choose(s) to recommend the joining of the company is/are required to share the reasons behind the recommendation. The joining of any company must be unanimously approved by the current Board of Directors.


請填寫以下資料 Please fill out the following information 

*必須填寫 Required Fields 



附屬會員 Affiliate Member $1,500/年year

公司資料 Company Information:

香港公司名稱 (中文): *

HK Company Name (Eng): *

香港公司地址 (中文): *

HK Company Address (Eng): *

成立日期 Date of Incorporation: *

商業登記證號碼 BR No.: *

公司電話 Office Tel: *

公司傳真 Fax: *

公司電郵 Representative Email Address(請提供可聯絡公司代表的電郵地址): *

公司網址 Website: *

香港僱員人數 No. of Hong Kong Employees: *

業務性質 Nature of Business: *

其他 Others (請註明 Please Specify):

行業分類 (如: 製衣、玩具等) Category (e.g. Garment, Toys, etc.):

品牌 Brand (如有 if any):

機構授權代表資料 Owner or appointed representatives:

Name (Eng): *

姓名(中文): *

Position (Eng): *

職位(中文): *

代表之手提電話 Mobile: *

代表之電郵地址 Email: *

大中華區/ 海外公司資料 Greater China/ Overseas Company Information:

大中華公司名稱 (中文):

Greater China Company Name (Eng):

海外公司名稱 (中文):

Overseas Company Name (Eng):

地址 Address:

大中華/ 海外僱員人數 No. of Employees (Greater China/ Overseas):

聯絡電話 Contact No.:

推薦人 Referee:


備註 Remarks:

a. 學會會員之公司才享有投票權利。 Only companies registered as Full members are entitled to voting rights.

b. 願意接收本會透過電郵或手提發放的推廣通訊。 Would your company like to receive promotional communications sent by email or mobile from SMESS? *

請在下方空格簽署| 清除



申請手續及審批 For Application and Approval: 

附屬會員年費 Affiliate Member Annual Fee: $1,500 




1. 香港公司商業登記副本

2. 公司名片

3. 公司CSR/ESG簡介  







Please fill out the application form, and submit the following documents:

1. Copy of Hong Kong Business Registration;

2. Company Name Card; 

3. Company CSR/ESG profile; 

The company must be established for at least 3 years. The membership approval process takes approximately 30 working days. The results will be notified via email, and a notice for payment of the annual fee will be sent.

Please send a cheque for the appropriate membership fee (Payable to: SME Sustainability Society Limited) to our office (Address: Room 1601, Tower 1, Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon).

All membership applications require approval from the Board of Directors. If the application is not accepted, the membership fee will be refunded to the applicant. SMESS reserves the right of final decision.


非「中小企業可持續發展指數」公司,需填妥入會申請表格及遞交相關文件,並經理事會審批。若公司在大中華區 (中港澳台) 或海外曾獲得「企業社會責任」獎項,則需持有當地政府認可的營業執照。


A non-SME Business Sustainability Index company must complete the membership application form and submit the relevant documents for approval by the Board of Directors. If the company has received a "Corporate Social Responsibility" award in the Greater China region or overseas, it must hold a business certificate recognized by the local government.


備註 Note:

會籍年度: 由每年4月1日至翌年3月31日

如於4月1日至9月30日入會,會員年費將以一年計算 ; 如於10月1日至翌年3月31日入會,會員年費將以半年計算。

Membership year: From 1 April each year to 31 March of the following year

For members who join between April 1 and September 30, the Annual Membership Fee will be calculated for one year. For those who join between October 1 and March 31 of the following year, the Membership Fee will be calculated for half a year. 

聲明 Declaration



I hereby declare that, to the best of my/the Company’s knowledge, all data filled in the application form is accurate. I hereby agree that the Hong Kong SME Sustainability Society Limited may consult and review all data provided by me/the Company in this application form. I/the Company may not be entitled to membership if any incorrect or misleading data is provided.